Events of GDS
RAZZMATAZZ (Annual gathering)
MEGA PROJECT (Projects presentation )
An event of dance, drama, music and a variety of other exciting performances. GDS's annual gathering is one of our school's two major events which act as a platform to showcase the talent of our children.
This is an open event for all and everyone is welcome to enjoy the performances.
Usually organised in 1st or 2nd week of February.
Location: Savitribai Phule Kalamandir, MIDC, Dombivli
An event of presentation of projects on a huge variety of topics ranging from biographies to concepts and ideas, from philosophy to technology, from history and society to environmental sciences and a plethora of other topics from around the world and beyond.
This is an open event for all and everyone is welcome to enjoy the presentations.
Usually organised on 1st Sunday after Diwali vacation.
Location: Gurukul school main campus.

Exclusive Events & Guest Workshops
Year-Round Events & Workshops

Understanding concepts and origin of various definitions...

Snake Awareness Workshop

These events and workshops focus on particular age groups and are designed to enhance their awareness about society and add to their experience. These are conducted throughout the year.
Every student from the selected class participates in these workshops.
These activities and workshops are designed and conducted based on different age groups which help to develop life-skills and social and cultural awareness. These are organized and conducted throughout the year.
Every student from the selected class participates in these workshops.

for updates on events & activities